Kanae Fukahara Sculpture


I have had a set of “built-in ways” of how to see the world and how to judge it.  Just like most everyone, it was installed by my parents, my school education, the society I belonged to, and the information and the people around me. Ultimately I created and installed a set of values by myself based on the ones taught to me.

But when I look at the things around me from a little different view point, my everyday life becomes so different. I feel excitement, peace, fun, abundance and more appreciation. It takes effort to switch on my awareness, and often I need to do it over and over. I try to look at the beauty hidden in things, and the beauty which people and events have. Maybe nothing is hidden, it seems to be just a focus issue.

I would like to write about culture, custom, sculpture, music and art, also about my favorite things and the things I think beautiful. I would like to share what I have learned and what I am learning. I hope something will resonate with your heart, something could give you a tiny new insight, and after all I could pour a piece of good energy to you.

Japanese Bath

Posted: 2018-01-05






  When my husband and I were looking for a house,  there were 3 important things for us.

   1.  Big trees    

   2.  Studio space for both of us   

   3.  Large bath tub and separate toillette from a bath tub

  Japanese are said to be a nation who loves taking bath so much.   As a volcano country which 60-70% is a mountanous area, there are many natural hot springs all over Japan.  They say bath came from China together with Buddhism in 6th century.  As Buddhism preached " bathing could prevent from 7 diseases, and bring  7 happiness", and bath was regarded as promoting good health.  The end of 16th century to the beginning of 17th century, public bath started, and also each household started have a bath tub using a wooden barrel where a person could soak his/her body completely to the neck.

  Typical modern Japanese bath room is very functional.  It consists from a small but deep bath tub and washing area with a focet and a hand shower.  We usually put a small plastic bath stool, so that we can sit on it while washing the body.  And a small bath pale is handy when washing face etc.

The entire room could be completely wet.  Many new houses install a room dryer at the ceiling of the bath room, so that you can keep the room dried after taking bath, and also you can dry your laundry by hunging them there.


   The toilette is in a separate small room.  It never be in a space of bath tub.  A bath tub is a place one soaks her/his body in warm water completely in private, relaxing environment. so we don't want to look at a toilette....!  

   After moving to US, one of seveeral Japanese things I have been missing is a good deep bath tub where I can soak my body everyday.  The one we had at the house in lease was shallow and it couldn't warm my entire body with hot water. A deep nice bath tub is such a luxury.  I can have a peaceful time without being hectic.  Maybe with a candle light or my favorite music,, and a little toy duck... :)   I can read a relaxing small book.  Or just being in the moment like meditation.  It also has a wonderful benefit for the body.  it promotes blood circulation, warm your entire body from the core, and release some of tiredness, lower the tension and stress.  It contributes to holistic health.

  I have been envying American house so much when living in Japan, as their rooms are larger and there are much more space for storage and for anything!  Yet now I am questioning why they often don't have a deep, nice bath tub and why they put a toilet right next to a bath tub,, sometimes so tightly close to it.

  We found out a house where I don't see a toilet from a shower room and a bath tub.  The house has a bath tub, but it is huge and no washing area (there's a separate shower room, but you have to walk 5 steps...!). So I still haven't learned how to enjoy this bath tub.  Yet sometimes I soak in the gigantic tub, and it makes me feel good.

   And the house has a good studio space and some magiificent trees. USA seems to be a counrty of DIY. The sotre like Home Depot sells everything which makes DIY possible.  I hope someday Home Depot sells a Japanese bath room kit, and separate toilette room becomes a standard in the new housings here in US. :)  And more people will enjoy soaking in a bath tub and experience its big benefits.


   Hot spring overlooking pretty scenery of Mount Fuji



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